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What is Success?

Dear friend, Dear HeartBody,

Someone asked me to write my vision on Success, being me I like to serve hahaha, but the subject did intrigue me, what is Success? Or being successful? and according to what? I will start with the etymology of the word Success, I will use the Latin etymology to explain the word Success: which is borrowed from the Latin word successus, from succedere (“to succeed”), from sub (“next to”) + cedere (“to go, move”). Next to go or move. When you realize this, then Success comes from the verb to succeed, in the meaning; being the next in line, to inherit. In other words, Success really means, to have improved something that was already there, you succeeded your predecessor. You improve what your predecessor has done, created or build.

To fully understand this let me give you an example. Steve Jobs created Apple, of course the computer didn’t come from nowhere, he just improved something that was already there. I can go into discussion what was before computers, either DOS, Atari etc. but that part I want to leave alone, before computers there was telegraph, morse codes and landline phones. I say landline phones to make sure you don't think of mobile phones which of course came after computers. Before that there was the printing press, the typewriter, ink, pen and paper, painting and carvings in any material, that came from the desire to preserve stories, knowledge or send messages. Of course I could go deeper, but I think you get the point. So why were Steve jobs or Bill gates for that matter successful? Because they improved something that was already there. They succeeded to improve. So all Success really means is that you improved something.

Looking at our world today one starts to wonder if Success, improving something has been beneficial to the world in the broadest sense A question that I can not answer with a full yes, thinking for example of military instruments (bombs, guns, missiles etc.). Did those improvements ‘really’ benefit us, nature and the world? Come to think of it, looking at human history, being nomads from origin, traveling from one place to another, totally free without any possession, how did Success ‘improve’ us, spiritualy I mean? Learning to grow wheat for example and becoming farmers, humans needed to stay in one place, building fences to make sure the stock didn’t wander around etc. so how has Success (improving) helped humans to stay free, to become themselves? Not really, the more Success the more possessions, the more humans needed to protect or improve it. inventing religions, offerings to totems to explain why crops failed sometimes, etc.

So in the sense of society Success really means you improved something and therefore you found yourself more stuck and protective. Is that really Success then?

How does Success influence our spiritual growth? to become you?

What is real Success? Beyond the explanation of the norm society has put on it, having more or be better (improvement) then others.

What is Ssuccess in my opinion? Success in my opinion is that you succeed someone or something and break the pattern, stoping it, don't improve it, but becoming yourself.

You're born out of your parents, they carry their pain, guilt, issues etc. Are you following them and copying their behavior or are you stopping this (un)conscious pattern of successors from your family? Are you the one that breaks these patterns? That gives back your parents and ancestors issues and start your life fresh without any luggage. If you can and deal with their and your traumas to become you in the fullest sense, being able to understand, let go and forgive. Then and only then I think you're successful. You have become a Success because you’re not succeeding anyone, you’re not improving anything, you're becoming yourself, free of what was before, to start your unique journey.

To conclude, I think Success means to be successful in becoming you and not to succeed or improve something or someone while forgetting about yourself.

Be successful in being you, be yourself, be intelligent, be happy, Love, laugh, cry, live, live with Body and Heart, live fully, feel fully, touch fully, love fully, Be. Be one, be full, be One-body, Be a HeartBody.



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Priests & Politicians

Polak Therapy in China

Mothers Day

Guilt or no Guilt

Art versus Defense, the shocking truth.

China versus the West Economics

Kevin专栏】China versus the West

Repression and Health?

Why is Art so important in Education?

How to respect, 【Kevin专栏】


Why Do Women complain? Part 2 【Kevin专栏】

Why do Women Complain 【Kevin专栏】

My Culture【Kevin专栏】



Why are Women bitches?【Kevin专栏】


Control 【Kevin专栏】

Sex *Kevin专栏*

Kevin专栏 Bungee jump





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