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Human Impro









在即兴这种没有束缚和无法预知的情况下,舞者面对太多可能性,反而无所适从。大部分舞者的反应会有两个极端:要门反复做一些毫无结构、关联的动作,或者大脑一片空白,没有灵感,不知道从何开始,这是两极在即兴中的体现之一。事实上,即兴的最好状态,是平衡两极,运用不可预料和无法复制的现状,发展成最符合当下的动作、元素和质感。 我们的理论是根据每个个体的肢体动作规律、肢体语言与情感表达关联和本能积累的知识形成的。针对这方面的引导与训练,来丰富舞者动作质感,让他们更加准确、自然的用肢体动作表达和传递情绪,对肢体与情感的关联意识更加明确。


Human Impro:

" By using the brain and follow the natural flow of the body at the same time we can use the fullest potential (polarity) of our brain, the ‘Yin and Yang’ side, to become in a state of just being while moving in any dance technique or form.”


When most people improvise they are overwhelmed by the infinite number of possibilities and revert to ‘just doing something’, or simply do nothing at all. In its best form improvisation is a complex summation of moments related to innumerable factors, unpredictable and irreproducible. The interactions that exist have a direct relation to that moment based on whom we are as an individual in this moment in time and space correlated to our present emotional state.


Our method relies on using the physical blueprint, their correlated emotions and the instinctive knowledge that the body and the individual already possess.Our goal is to make a dancer aware of it’s full expressive body by creating flexibility in dynamics. Which allows them to naturally express a full range of human emotions, merely by moving their ‘honest’ expressive bodies.


ModernBallet Class









在教授现代芭蕾的时候,我将现代舞与古典芭蕾这两个极端融合,将流畅与技巧性强的基础训练结合,培养舞者张弛有度、收放自如的动作能力。培养舞者认识到每个动作的必要性,让每个“枯燥”的练习动作都成为一种情感表达的方式。 在即兴训练和现代芭蕾中,体会到“两极动作”的意识和观点,能让舞者结合自己真实的人生经历,让自己的肢体语言与内心状态、周围环境更加吻合、一致,更加自然地运用肢体动作表达情感。



As a Modern Classical Ballet teacher I work beyond just executing classical ballet exercises, I add a modern twist to this very difficult technique to make movements fluently.

To make the dancer switch between letting go and getting back in the controlled structure that classical ballet demands of the body.


By making the dancer aware of the necessity off each movement within the exercise, the movement becomes THE experience which is in tune with every pore in its body, emotional state and surroundings.


Experiencing this state, a dancers body in any of my classes is open to express honest emotions using their own life experience, receiving and reacting congruently to themselves and their surroundings




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