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Priest & Politicians

Dear friend, Dear HeartBody,

After a nice holiday to Europe, I found myself ready to write another article. I have so many inspiring subjects, that I was wondering which one to chose from.

I want to talk about how Politicians and Priests have been controlling humans for centuries, and how this imprinted domination is unconsciously so well programmed in your brain. We have without knowing become their puppets. Why this subject now? I recently had a private client, a very talented person with a bright future who is suffering from this imprinted program. This client feels there is something wrong with the way things are going now and he’s unconsciously rebellious but doesn't know against what. He feels he's living in a box, with a few windows, but he's not allowed to see what is behing those windows.

Let me first explain how Politicians and Priests, and when I say priests I mean all the representatives form all the religions, from Rabbi’s to Imams, from Bishops to Bhikkhu(ni) off course this also applies to all kind of Politicians.

Here are the 5 tools how they are dominating you.

1. Don't give you love. By withholding love, by censuring making love, humans are suffering to their core. By condemning Sex and programming it as Devils work, or something we need to transcend, we’re not allowed to tap into our primary life energy. Literally and sometimes figuratively they have cut of your balls or in case of women FGM (female genital mutilation) in name of their Gods. They have created the institution of marriage, forcing you to only love one partner for life, which animal on earth stays with one partner? Only a very few, its just unnatural. You can only have sex to make children but you're not allowed to enjoy it. how sick is that. The act that creates life is condemned. The woman is told sex is dirty, it's a sin, but at the same time she’s told to obey her husband. How can she enjoy? The duality is so unnatural and suffocating. The Man is told sex is dirty, it has to happen only with the woman he married and in the bedroom in only 1 position, the men on top of the women how disrespectful is this to women. Both women and men feel guilt and dirty for having sex, while it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.

2. Keep you ignorant. They never wanted to translate the Indian Vedic (Sanskrit) because they knew if everybody can read it, it would mean the end. The same with the Bible, the Torah, The Koran etc. all written in dead languages that nobody understands. There is a purpose in it, if you don't understand, you must think it is wise, profound and deep, you follow, because those ‘wise’ men will know. The same with politics, it appears so deep and difficult that we follow what they say, using difficult words to confuse you. It's all done to keep you ignorant. Why? Ignorant people are easier to control, ignorant people don't ask questions but they will do as told, even if deep inside you, you feel its wrong, but that is just the voice of the devil seducing you…

3. keep you frightened. By freighting you of hell, terrorists or whatever other bullshit story they try to sell you. All they want to do is keep you freighted, as long as you fear, again they control you. Promising beautiful fairy tails if you behave and do as they say. If you do good you go to heaven, you will get 40 virgins etc. How do they know and why do you believe them. Has there ever been someone that has been there and can prove it? No, they are selling you a fairy tail, again to keep you under their control. Follow the rules and laws, if not we will threaten you with repercussions. Jail, fines and absurd punishments.

4 Keep you miserable. This has been their greatest technique of all, by keeping you miserable you can only hope for a better future and they will promise you golden rainbows in the future. Whenever did their promise come true? Never, maybe when you're dead, but then you don't know it and they can say you went to heaven as promised. Again a fairy tail. Why would they do this to you? well it's again very simple, a happy person is unable to control, a happy person doesn't care if he or she goes to heaven, he’s content with what he has, he doesn't need more, he doesn't need a bigger, taller more expensive thing then the other person. But politicians and priest discovered that playing with human desire is the best way to keep them under control, there is no time for you to enjoy, you need to work and buy, you need to pray and devote yourself.

5 keep you alienated from each other. Why so many religions and so many political parties? Why do they seem to hate and want to ‘kill’ each other? Proclaiming that they are evil, that they’re terrorists? Not because they believe so, but to make you loyal to their cause, their religion, their party. Feed you with hate for others. For example the Jews for centuries and now the Chinese. This one uses fear and ignorance. How come Jews, Islamite and Christians lived peacefully together for so long so many years ago? Who created this hatred towards each other? Right, priests and politicians. They don't want you to marry another religion or race. They want to keep you for themselves, so they can control you.

This is how Politicians and Priests have dominated you for centuries. All with one purpose, so you are controllable, you will do what they want you to do so you will follow them blindly in order to give themselves power over you.

It’s time to wake up and start asking yourself questions, do I feel good doing this? do I believe their nonsense? Do I agree with what they say?

This is what they do, the say to a tree, grow and be beautiful, bloom and then they cut away the roots. And when the tree doesn't bloom, they say to the tree blossom, you’re not listening to what we are saying you don't understand.

They keep saying love the higher but ignore the lower, the lower is bad. Its like building a house (Church, Mosque, Temple etc. ) without any foundation. They know perfectly well each building needs a foundation, but they don't want you to see or know this. This is likely the place where they will keep their ‘dirty’ secrets and truths. Because if you understand their foundation you will stop believing them. this is probably why the Vatican’s secret archive is hidden deep in the basement. Why do we keep our secrets hidden in our basements? A place where the light is not allowed? what a beautiful metaphor. They know perfectly well if the light would come in, the truth will come out. Priests and Politicians know very well what they're doing and why. This is their technique, hide their foundation, cut of the roots of the tree and tell you to live, love and be happy. If they would show honestly what they did, nobody would believe or follow them anymore and off course that is an impossible situation for them.

Ask questions, be intelligent, be happy, Love, laugh, cry, live, live with Body and Heart, live fully, feel fully, touch fully, love fully, Be. Be one, be full, be One-body, Be a HeartBody.



Other articles by me:

Polak Therapy in China

Mothers Day

Guilt or no Guilt

Art versus Defense, the shocking truth.

China versus the West Economics

Kevin专栏】China versus the West

Repression and Health?

Why is Art so important in Education?

How to respect, 【Kevin专栏】


Why Do Women complain? Part 2 【Kevin专栏】

Why do Women Complain 【Kevin专栏】

My Culture【Kevin专栏】



Why are Women bitches?【Kevin专栏】


Control 【Kevin专栏】

Sex *Kevin专栏*

Kevin专栏 Bungee jump





Here is a link to my book in the itunesbook store for now only in english.

Or send me an email and i send the book to you.


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