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Why are Women bitches?【Kevin专栏】

A few days ago I shared this quote I really like form Bette Davis.

‘When a Man gives his opinion, he's a Man. When a Woman gives her opinion, she's a Bitch.’

Somehow the quotes I like are most times written by strong independent Women, like Bette Davis, Virginia Woolf or Mea West.

Its no secret, I love strong Women, Women that are not afraid to take risks, Speakout, stand up for themselves, live their passion, no matter what or who.

When I was 22, I was casted for the role of Petruchio in Shakespeare’s play ‘The taming of the shrew’. I think this is the moment I realized that I'm attracted by strong Women. For the one’s who know this story, its not about taming Katherina, its about seeing that a life with a strong Women is a full life, it will never get boring. The fights, the passion, the pain & the ecstasy. All in one, and if you can stand your grounds with such a Woman, no that’s wrong, if you encourage, celebrate and support such a Woman without any fear, without any claim that she is yours, trust me she will do anything for you.

But unfortunately most Men are afraid of such a Woman.

This brings me back to the topic.

One of my friends commented ‘I feel like I understand it, but I want to know why? This made me go inside myself and feel, feel deep inside my being, asking why? why is there some truth in this quote?

The answer came wright away, while tears were dropping from my eyes.

It’s a long complicated story with many factors involved, and what I'm going to explain is a general overview, its my truth, therefore not the truth. Also its not a frame, every human being is unique, so no graduation in what I'm sharing, it is only general, its only the tip of the iceberg, things most of us know. I have not the time in this lifetime to write everything down, because it's just way to much pain and sadness.

I also want to make very clear I'm not finger pointing or blaming anyone, I'm just sharing my insight with you. I'm not saying its bad or good neither, because I simply do not know the bigger picture behind the reason why, well I do, but that is not for me to share.

Women are the most powerful creatures in the world, no matter where you look in Nature, it’s the Female that’s the one that has the power over life and death, Literally and Figuratively.

For example the female wolf spider eats the male after sex, why? There have been a numerous of studies done to explain the why, but the one I like the most is the simple one. Female spiders are generally taller then male spiders. They are hungry and they know the male can’t resist them, He just has to come… literally and figuratively, and then….

Isn’t this beautiful? Yes, in general Men are physical taller and stronger then Women, but that’s Physical. Every Woman knows how to make a Man do what she wants, but beside this, she does it after sex, not before or during, after the sex the male is eaten. Spiritually this is beautiful to me. It’s the Woman that has to carry the child, has to do all the work. the Man donates, and then his contribution physically stops, and I'm emphasizing physically. So why shouldn’t the Man offer himself completely to the Woman, to contribute. I think if a Man and Woman decide to have sex, with all the consequences that it can bring, the Man should give himself completely. Not just his manhood, his seed, but his heart and soul. It is the sacred temple of the Woman he’s entering, Women receive, receiving is far more intimate then giving.

So Women have the power over life and death, also sexually, Women can make a Man hard and soft. They have this power as the French call it ‘Petit Mort’ translated as ‘little death’ how poetic and beautiful. A Man’s peak is his ‘little’ death.

But the most amazing thing about Women is, they can have endless orgasms, different types of orgasms, deep ones, simultaneous ones, short ones, long ones, it just doesn't stop.

And there it is, Women have it all. And Men know this and the more conscious Men became the more afraid they became, afraid to get eaten, afraid to die, afraid to lose, afraid that other Men might be better. That ‘their’ Woman cheats and enjoys other Men better, afraid to lose, in every sense of the word.

The Irony in this is, there is nothing to posses, You can’t posses another human, so what is there to lose. Like OSHO sais, the only thing you can posses is a thing. And there it is, Men have reduced Women to a thing.

Men have become so afraid of the sexuality and the power of Women, that they created religions, laws, rules, they created, created and create. But for what purpose? To control. To control who? Right, Women. Remember that every religion, philosophy or law is written by Men, well at least 99.9 %.

Even Buddha couldn’t accept Women to become a monk, he was so afraid that they would distract the male monks. Or in Islamism and jewism Women are not allowed to sit with the Men, they have to sit in the back hidden from the Men.

It was not allowed for Women to vote, not to engage in politics. In Catholicism they are not allowed to become a priest, bishop or the pope. This list goes on and on.

Even worse, Men created tools, inventions to control their woman, Burka’s, Chastely belts, feet bondage, Which hunts, again the list goes on and on.

Even vibrators to compensate their own short comings…

Men even created the institution of Marriage, thinking if they put a ring on the finger of a Woman she is his possesion. Your possession, Your thing.

Making Women believe that marriage is so romantic, feeding and creating the princess dream. It’s all programed, manipulated and invented by Men.

How can Men ‘stone’ a Married Woman that was raped by other Men to death as her punishment for her infidelity. How sick is that?

3000 years, maybe even longer of repression, slowly killing the power of Women, pushing them down, making them feel like they're nothing, not worthy. What a brainwash this has been, I think this has been the greatest brainwash in history, passed on from generation to generation, just to make Men feel less afraid of Women. Making Women believe they need a Man to take care of them, that not being Married or have Children is a Sin.

Men want Women to be Virgins, because a virgin is uneducated, is pure, is controllable, can be formed. So no alcohol, cigarettes or any other pleasures that Men give themselves for Women. Ha, They know what it can do. No school for Girls. Keep Women dumb, naïve and uneducated, this way Men can form them to their liking.

What horror, What a grotesque conspiracy, What an insult to Mother Nature.

Maybe even worse, Women have accepted it, you believed it.

Only shortly ago, since the arising of feminism, it slowly, very slowly is getting rectified, but we’re still very far from balance.

So why are Women Bitches then?

Imagine if your true nature is suppressed, punished not accepted, you repress this power down, deep down. Deep into a well without any light or fresh air. What happens if you repress, hide something long enough in this well? It starts smelling, it rots, it gets really ugly and dark.

The Iron:, this ugliness, this darkness needs to be expressed, but it can’t be expressed towards Men out of fear for them.

Its because of Men this ugliness and darkness is there, but out of fear for them you can’t express it towards them. What a beautiful unresolved circle.

To whom then can you express?

To other Women?, but if you express it directly to them, you lose your companions, your comrades, you need other women, like prisoners need each other to understand, to share to stick together.

So Women have become masters to let this repressed ugliness, this darkness out, through ‘sweet talk’. An insult wrapped in a compliment with a smile. It’s the only way Women know or think, they can keep their friendship.By camouflaging their repressed ugliness. but you seem to forget that other Women have the same repressed ugliness, they know exactly what you're doing.

Coming back to another quote ‘Don't try to understand Women, Women understand Women and they don't like each other’.

This is probably the reason why you feel there’s some truth in this quote.

Nowadays Women can also start expressing this ugliness towards their original initiators, but Men have no clue, what you're doing when you're express this ugliness to them, so that’s no fun, that’s not satisfying.

But Women do, they know exactly what is going on. Oh, how satisfying is that?

Maybe Women have created a status quo. They know, but better express it in this way, when its being heard or seen, then not to express or express it to a Blind and /or Deaf Man.

What to do?

Women stop doing this, know the reason why you're doing this, stop being afraid of Men. They are far more afraid of you. Shake of al those negative cell memories in your body, they're not yours, they're given to you by your previous generations. Give it to back to them. Start a new cell memory for yourself and all the generations after you. Make this world a better and beautiful place again a world filled with balance. Full of love, open love, free love. No more ‘things’, no more possessions, no more you're mine. No more repressed or suppressed feelings. Don't let anybody Men or Women stop you from being yourself, your beautiful strong self. Remember you have the POWER, not Men, YOU. Its Mother nature, not Father nature!!!

Once more this is my humble opinion, nothing more nothing less.

Get in touch with your power, your sensuality, your sexuality, smile and be happy without wanting anything in return, laugh, cry, live, live with Body and Heart, live fully, feel fully, touch fully, love fully, Be. Be one, be full, be One-body, Be a HeartBody.



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