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5Women 五个女人







































5Women, dear friends for life. each with a future and an unresolved past.

A birthday cake shattered, an erupted blast

The unspoken spoken at last.



5Woman is a story about 5 dear friends, 5 women. About their unspoken words, their kept secrets and repressed emotions towards themselves and each other.

What seems to be just another happy social gathering turns out to be a truthful revealing.

What will happen if women lose their social emotional control? When women who are the cornerstone of society lose it? The ones that control death and life on so many levels. What will happen if they start behaving like Men? When their nurturing and loving qualities that gives hope to the human race disappears? When they stop thinking in balance and peace but instinctually react to their emotions.

How are these woman ever going to return to themselves and their friendship? Would they still want to? Or is their friendship for ever lost?

How is 5 women a micro reflection on what is happening on a macro level in our society.

What would happen to this world if women keep being deprived, corrupted and literally & figuratively keep being raped and stripped down from their unique qualities.

Why are men so afraid of the power of women, Why have men suppressed, chained and ignored the beauty of women.

Are men to blame for the behavior of the modern women, that needs to speak in many tongs, needs to play emotional games to prevail themselves. Need to hide their through emotions and feelings in order to keep this world turning.

Its time Women need to stop hiding their beauty, stop being afraid of men, their sexuality and their power. Its time Men stop disrespecting Women, and start honoring them.

We all have to see their qualities, the qualities that keep balance and peace in this world. Their power over life and death of forgiveness and love.


5Women is a performance where so much is happening that its just impossible to get all the details, messages and layers.

All the ‘under the table’ messages, unspoken, spoken, understood, and misunderstood insults and truths.

It’s a performance where all is revealed, on every level, as a paradox, reality and in all subtlety.

Where the spectator can only question one selves, where do you recognize yourself? See the obvious? The stereotypes? Where do you see the impact of it in your life and society.  What is the real difference between Men & Women?

A performance that excels in such a speed in front of your eyes that you can hardly breath. Where you need to laugh and cry at the same time.

new book by KheN
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